Central Lines
A central line is a catheter inserted into a central vein for the purpose of drug delivery, blood sampling, haemodynamic measurement and renal filtration.
Types of central access include:
Internal jugular vein
Subclavian vein
Femoral Vein
Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)
Similar positioning to CVC
Utilised for renal replacement therapy
May be used as central access device if required
Usually 'Hep-locked' - small volume (1.5ml) of heparin left in catheter to prevent clotting between use
Must be aspirated prior to use
Confirming Central Line Position on CXR
What type of central line?
Internal jugular vs subclavian vs PICC
Femoral lines do not need confirmation on CXR
Where is the central line?
Right sided – NEVER crosses the midline/mediastinum
Left sided – ALWAYS crosses the midline/mediastinum
Tip Position
Tip ideally sits around the level of the carina (+/- 1 cm)
Tip not greater than ~1.5cm above carina
Do NOT push in further (this is never done once line is secured and operator has un-scrubbed) - external component is no longer sterile
Can often still be used even if tip is sitting too distal; check with ICU registrar/consultant prior to use
Too far in?
If tip is more than 1-2cm distal to carina or it curves, it may be too far in
Check with ICU registrar/consultant - it may need to be withdrawn a few centimetres prior to use
Check for complications
Pneumothorax / Pneumomediastinum
Highest risk with subclavian insertion
Kinked or line looped around itself
Subcutaneous emphysema
Retained guidewire
Images from radiologymasterclass.co.uk
Author: Dr. Kirsty O'Keefe, Peer Reviewer: Dr. Irma Bilgrami Date: 22/03/20