Confirming Endotracheal Tube Position
Confirm visual position of the tube
Usually measured to incisor or lips
Normally 22 - 24cm
There should be a documented level on insertion
Unfortunately not always the case
Confirm position on CXR
Should lie 2-3 cm above the carina
Measure using ruler function on synapse
This position allows 1-2 cm movement of tube with neck flexion/extension without risk of migrating too far out or too far in
ETT too distal
For example:
Endobronchial intubation
More commonly R main bronchus
May be in left main bronchus
Lying against carina
Discuss with ICU registrar or consultant
Measure distance ETT must be withdrawn
Ask bedside nurse to withdraw ETT by that amount
Repeat CXR is usually not required
Document new visual level
ETT too proximal
Discuss with ICU registrar or consultant
Measure distance ETT must be advanced
Ask bedside nurse to advance ETT by that amount
Repeat CXR is usually not required
Document new visual level
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Author: Dr. Kirsty O'Keefe, Peer Reviewer: Dr. Irma Bilgrami Date: 22/03/20