Feeding and nutrition are extremely important in critically unwell patients
Critically illness is a highly catabolic state, with rapid loss of muscle bulk and strength
Many patients may have prolonged periods where they are unable to eat normally
Types of feeding:
Ward diet
Continuous enteral feeds
Contains all required nutrients including fibre
Various available preparations are utilised for specific patient groups
Eg. Diabetic, renal insufficiency, fluid restriction, low residue, etc.
Administered at a continuous rate via enteral tube (nasogastric, orogastric or percutaneous gastric tube)
Commence at 40ml/hr, then uptitrate to target rate by 10mg/hr every 24 hours for nasogastric feeding
Feeds are up-titrated more slowly in proned patients, and paused prior to turns
Total parenteral nutrition
Balanced solution of all required nutrients
Includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements
Run at a constant rate
Cyclic regime may be used if LFT derangement occurs
Requires central access (PICC or CVC)
Significant associated risks including hyperglycaemia, hepatic dysfunction, fluid overload, central line complications and infections (especially fungal infection)
Principles of feeding
Feeding should be commenced early if prolonged intubation is anticipated
Enteral nutrition is preferred to TPN
More physiological, stimulates bowel
Lower rates of complications
Improved glycaemic control
Monitor for re-feeding syndrome with commencement of both enteral and parenteral feeds in at-risk patients
Author: Ryan Slack, Peer Reviewer: Irma Bilgrami Date: 02/04/20