Glucose Management
Glucose management is relevant to ALL critically unwell, whether they are diabetic or not.
Patients may be on altered feeding regimes
For example, continuous enteral (NG) or parenteral (IV) feeds
Critical illness is associated with both hyper- and hypoglycaemia
Systemic inflammation and stress response, increased metabolic demands, hepatic dysfunction, etc.
Various pharmacological agents (eg. sedatives) may mask signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia
Standard glucose target = 6 - 12 mmol/L
Tight glucose targets in intensive patients are associated with worse outcomes (NICE-SUGAR trial)
Generally, on admission to ICU, all oral hypoglycaemic agents should be ceased and sugars should be managed with short-acting insulin therapy.
As the patient improves, long acting insulin will be added and/or re-introduction of regular oral hypoglycaemic agents will occur
Patients with new or increased insulin requirements should be referred for endocrine follow-up on discharge from ICU
Sliding Scale Insulin Regime
Interval insulin boluses titrated to target BSL
Agent - Novorapid
Route - subcutaneous
QID for continuous feeding regimes
TDS with meals for ward diet
BSL 12.1 - 15 --> 2 - 4 units
BSL 15.1 - 18 --> 4 - 6 units
BSL > 18 --> 8 - 10 units AND medical team should be notified
In insulin naive patients, start low
In patients with pre-existing insulin resistance, larger dosing regimes may be required
Always err on side of caution; additional insulin may be given if required
Long Acting Insulin
Basal insulin regime
Provides 24 hour background insulin
Often used to transition from insulin infusion in the critically ill
Agent - Lantus
Route - subcutaneous
30 - 60% of 24 hour total dose of short acting insulin
Start low and up-titrate as necessary
Short-acting insulin doses should be adjusted down accordingly
Insulin Infusion
Allows rapid and fine control of plasma glucose levels
Commence infusion if 2 consecutive BSLs > 12
Check with ICU registrar prior to commencing insulin infusion
Agent - Actrapid
Route - Intravenous
Titrated to target BSL as per protocol
Must always be run concurrently with dextrose infusion unless patient is receiving continuous enteral feeds or TPN
Cessation of an infusion may require transition to alternative insulin therapy
In patients with T1DM, long acting insulin should be commenced 2 - 4 hours PRIOR to cessation of infusion to avoid development of DKA
In patients without T1DM:
Commencement of PRN sliding scale following cessation may be adequate
If insulin requirements are high (> 4 units/hr) or patient is normally on some form of insulin, long acting insulin may also be necessary
Hypoglycaemia is considered a BSL < 3.5 - 4 mmol/L (although there is no strict cut-off)
Severe hypoglycaemia = BSL < 3.0 mmol/L
In patients with chronic hyperglycaemia, relative hypoglycaemia may even occur at levels in the 4s and 5s
New altered conscious state or delirium should always prompt a check of blood sugar levels
If conscious and able to swallow:
Glucogel 15 - 20g AND/OR 150ml juice (make sure it is not sugar free!)
Slow release complex carbohydrate; eg. sandwhich
In addition to the fast-acting sugar
If not able to swallow or severe hypoglycaemia:
25 - 50ml 50% dextrose IV (12.5 - 25g glucose) +/- commence dextrose infusion
Glucagon 1 - 2 mg IM, if no intravenous access
BSL should be checked at 15 minutes, 1 hour and 4 hours
Repeat treatment if BSL remains < 4 mmol/L
Ensure patient is receiving ongoing source of glucose to prevent recurrence
Author: Ryan Slack, Peer Reviewer: Irma Bilgrami Date: 02/04/20