Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
ARDS is an acute, diffuse inflammatory lung injury characterised by:
Poor oxygenation
Difficult ventilation
Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates
Acute onset
Microscopically, it is associated with:
Capillary endothelial damage
Diffuse alveolar damage
Berlin Definition
Acute onset; occurs over 1 week or less
Chest imaging
Bilateral radiographic changes consistent with pulmonary oedema
Respiratory failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload
Objective assessment may be required (Eg. TTE) in patient without risk-factors for ARDS
Deranged oxygenation
Challenges in ARDS
Increased V/Q mismatch --> difficulty oxygenating
Prolonged exposure to high levels of inspired oxygen (> 60%) may cause parenchymal lung injury and oxygen toxicity
Lung Mechanics
Heterogenous lung parenchymal changes
Collapsed/consolidated dependent lung with low lung compliance
Relatively spared non-dependent lung with normal lung compliance
Normal tidal volumes --> over-distension of non-dependent (normally-compliant) lung
Gas flow follows path of least resistance
Excessive non-dependent lung volumes and pressures
Risk of volutrauma and barotrauma
High inspiratory pressures required to ventilate collapsed/consolidated lung --> risk of barotrauma
Collapse / Re-expansion cycle of dependent alveoli --> risk of alveolar shear injury (atelectatrauma)
Ventilation Strategies
Protective lung ventilation
Low tidal volume strategy
6 - 8 ml/kg ideal body weight
Minimises risk of volutrauma and barotrauma to non-dependent, aerated lung
Aim plateau pressures < 30 cmH2O
Permissive hypercapnoea
PCO2 will inevitably rise with low tidal volumes, but this may be accepted within certain limits
Respiratory rate should be manipulated to alter minute ventilation (do not adjust tidal volume)
Open lung ventilation
High PEEP approach to maintain alveolar recruitment and prevent atelectatrauma
FiO2 and PEEP titrated to oxygen saturation target (> 88%)
Additional Management Strategies
Fluid restrict
Sedation / Paralysis
Rescue Therapies
Call early for help in the deteriorating patient!
Rescue strategies include:
Recruitment manoeuvres
Inhaled pulmonary vasodilators
Author: Dr. Hector-Jack Cheung, Peer Reviewer: Dr. James Douglas Date: 22/03/20