Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation
ABG Interpretation
Key Variables:
% of Hb molecules bound to O2
This is the equivalent to saturations measured via a sats probe (though less prone to error)
Partial pressure of oxygen molecules dissolved in blood (ie. not bound to haemoglobin)
Fraction of inspired oxygen
Room air = 21%
FiO2 varies with oxygen delivery device, flow rate and oxygen concentration delivered by device, inspiratory flow rate of patient
Hb concentration
Key Questions:
Does the patient have adequate oxygen content?
How well is the patient oxygenating their blood?
Oxygen Content
Oxygen content = (Hb concentration X SaO2 X 1.34) + (0.03 X PaO2)
Normal content ~ 200 ml O2 / Litre of blood
Normal O2 consumption = 250 ml O2 / minute
Oxygen saturation is main determinant of oxygen content of arterial blood
Relationship between PaO2 and SaO2
At a PaO2 above 60 mmHg, there are only small changes in SaO2 for a given change in PaO2
Below 60 mmHg, SaO2 will rapidly fall as PaO2 falls
Key Terms
Refers to inadequate levels of tissue oxygenation for cellular respiration
If oxygen uptake or utilisation is impaired, a patient may be hypoxic without the presence of hypoxaemia
Abnormally low arterial oxygen partial pressure (< 60 mmHg)
Hypoxaemia may not result in hypoxia if compensatory mechanisms increase oxygen delivery or reduce oxygen utilisation
Causes of hypoxaemia
Inadequate inspired oxygen concentration
Eg. High altitude
Alveolar gas is not refreshed with oxygen as quick as it is taken up by haemoglobin and consumed by peripheral tissues
Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
Diffusion abnormalities
Dead space ventilation
Results in hypoxaemia via:
Decreased minute ventilation (ie. hypoventilation)
Altered blood flow, resulting in concurrent shunting
Shunt or V/Q mismatch refer to processes by which blood moves from the venous circulation to the arterial circulation without adequate oxygenation
It is the most common cause of hypoxaemia in the critically ill
Bedside measures:
P:F Ratio
The ratio of PaO2 relative to the FiO2 delivered
Normal = 500
ie. 100 mmHg / 0.21
< 100 = severely impaired arterial oxygenation
< 300 = mildly impaired arterial oxygenation
- A-a Gradient
- The difference between Alveolar oxygen partial pressure and arterial oxygen partial pressure
- Calculation:
- PAO2 (alveolar) = (FiO2 x 713) - (PaCO2 / 0.8)
- PaO2 is measured via arterial blood gas
- Values
As V/Q mismatch increases, A-a gradient will increase
Normal = 5 - 10 mmHg
Increases with age; Normal = (age/4) + 4
Key Questions:
Do I need to worry about the PaCO2 in this patient?
How does the respiratory rate relate to the PaCO2?
PaCO2 is:
Inversely proportional to alveolar ventilation
As minute ventilation increases, PaCO2 decreases
Minute ventilation = tidal volume X respiratory rate
Directly proportional to CO2 production (ie. metabolic rate)
Normal PaCO2 = 35 - 45 mmHg
Do I need to worry?
If the patient has an acidaemia, is obtunded, is tachypnoeic/bradypnoeic or has any other concerning signs or symptoms, then this must be immediately escalated!!!
Chronic hypercapnoea may be adequately compensated and of no particular concern
ie. the COPD patient who is mentating well, with a normal pH due to a compensatory metabolic alkalosis
Mild - moderate hypercapnoea may be tolerated in certain circumstances (permissive hypercapnoea)
This should be discussed with a more senior clinician
How does the respiratory rate relate to the PaCO2?
Hypercapnoea with tachypnoea (The patient who CAN'T breathe)
The hypercapnoea is likely driving the minute ventilation
Consider respiratory or metabolic causes of hypercapnoea
Hypercapnoea with reduced respiratory rate (The patient who WON'T breathe)
The hypopnoea is likely the cause of hypercapnoea
Consider neurological or metabolic causes
Beware the tiring or obtunded patient who was initially tachypnoeic!
Hypocapnoea with tachypnoea
The tachypnoea is likely the cause of the hypocapnoea
Consider respiratory, neurological or metabolic causes
Acid - Base Status
Key Questions:
What is the overall Acid-Base State?
What are the underlying Acid-Base Disorders?
Step 1:
Assess the pH
Acidaemia (pH < 7.35) vs alkalaemia (pH > 7.45)
Step 2:
Assess the process:
Elevated PaCO2 (respiratory) or reduced HCO3 (metabolic)
Reduced PaCO2 (respiratory) or elevated HCO3 (metabolic)
Step 3:
Assess the cause:
For respiratory derangements, see above.
Metabolic Acidosis
Check Anion Gap
AG = Na - (Cl + HCO3)
Normal = 12 (+/- 4)
High anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA)
Renal failure
Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis (NAGMA)
GIT loss of bicarbonate (eg. diarrhoea)
Renal tubular acidosis
Eg. Excessive 0.9% NaCl administration
Metabolic Alkalosis
Excess HCO3
Renal retention
eg. diuretics, Cushings/excessive steroid administration
Exogenous administration
eg. Sodium bicarbonate solution
Loss of H+
GIT loss
Eg. Excessive vomiting
Eg. Dehydration/hypovolaemic states
Step 4:
Assess compensation
Compensation for respiratory acidosis
Acute acidosis
For every 10 mmHg increase above PCO2 = 40, HCO3 should increase 1 mmol/L above 24
Chronic acidosis
For every 10 mmHg increase above PCO2 = 40, HCO3 should increase 4 mmol/L above 24
Compensation for respiratory alkalosis
Acute alkalosis
For every 10 mmHg decrease below PCO2 = 40, HCO3 should decrease 2 mmol/L below 24
Chronic alkalosis
For every 10 mmHg decrease below PCO2 = 40, HCO3 should decrease 5 mmol/L below 24
Compensation for metabolic acidosis
For every 1 mmol/L decrease of HCO3 below 24, CO2 decreases 1.25 mmHg
Compensation for metabolic alkalosis
For every 1 mmol/L increase of HCO3 above 24, CO2 increases 0.75 mmHg
If PCO2 or HCO3 is not compensated as expected, consider a secondary acid-base process occurring simultaneously
Respiratory compensation has limits; unusual to rise above 60 mmHg or decrease below 10 mmHg
Other information obtained from a blood gas sample:
Ionised Calcium
Methaemoglobin levels
Normal < 1.5%
Carboxyhaemoglobin (Carbon monoxide levels)
Normal < 0.5%
Signs/symptoms generally begin when levels increase above 10%
Author: Matt Guest, Peer Reviewer: Irma Bilgrami, Date: 20/05/20