Non - Invasive Ventilation
A form of ‘closed circuit’ ventilation, usually delivered via sealed face mask, to provide positive pressure ventilatory support in select spontaneously-breathing patients with respiratory failure, whilst avoiding additional risks of intubation and invasive ventilation.
Hypoxaemic Respiratory Failure (SaO2 < 88, [PaO2 < 60 mmHg])
Acute pulmonary oedema
immunocompromised patients with severe pneumonia / Acute lung injury
Chest trauma
Improves work of breathing
Hypercapnoeic Respiratory Failure (PaCO2 > 60 mmHg, pH < 7.32)
Exacerbation of COPD
Exacerbation of severe asthma
Improves work of breathing
Neuromuscular disorders
Confirmed or suspected COVID-19 Patients
NIV is an aerosol-generating procedure
NIV should not be commenced in this patient group except with express consultant permission
These patients require early intubation
Recent upper GI surgery
Clarify with surgical team first
Haemodynamic instability
Discuss with intensivist first
NIV may improve or worsen haemodynamics
Severe hypoxic respiratory failure that requires emergent intubation
Severe hypercapnoeic respiratory failure that requires emergent intubation
pH < 7.1
Altered conscious state / inability to maintain patent airway
Excessive respiratory secretions
Severe refractory vomiting/haematemesis
Facial surgery/ orofacial abnormalities
High failure rate
Harm associated with delay to intubation
When To Use
How To Use
Initial Settings:
APO - start with CPAP (EPAP) 10 cmH2O, FiO2 100%
Asthma - start with CPAP (EPAP) 5 cmH2O, FiO2 50%
Use for COPD, neuromuscular disease, chest trauma, pneumonia/acute lung injury in the immunocompromised
Initial pressure settings:
5 cmH2O Pressure Support (PS)
Note: Ward NIV uses IPAP and EPAP where IPAP = EPAP + pressure support. For example, 5 PEEP/5 PS = 5 EPAP and 10 IPAP
ICU ventilators/nomenclature distinguishes PEEP and pressure support as seperate pressures where PS is value ABOVE PEEP
FiO2 setting
Normal lungs - titrate FiO2 to SpO2 > 92%
Chronic obstructive lung disease - titrate FiO2 to SpO2 88 - 92%
Adjusting Settings:
Assess response by improvement in:
Respiratory rate
Work of breathing
Oxygenation issues
Increase PEEP by 1 - 2 cmH2O; max PEEP 8 - 10 cmH2O
Increase FiO2
Any increasing oxygen requirements must be flagged to the ICU registrar/consultant
Ventilation issues
Ensure good seal/minimal air leak
Assess synchrony
Assess NIV compliance
Increase pressure support by 2 cmH2O; max PS = 15 cmH2O above PEEP
Any worsening ventilation must be flagged to the ICU registrar/consultant
Mask intolerance
Gastric insufflation
Pressure injuries on face
Airway dryness, inspissated secretions
Signs of Failure
Progressive respiratory distress
Rising respiratory rate
Persistent tachypnoea
Worsening pH, PCO2, SpO2, PO2 despite NIV (1 - 2 hours)
Deteriorating conscious state
Mucous plugging
Author: Dr. Hector-Jack Cheung, Peer Reviewer: Dr. James Douglas Date: 22/03/20