Normal heart rate is 60 - 100 beats/minute
Tachycardia refers to any heart rate > 100 beats per minute
Tachycardias are a common cause of clinical review/MET calls
14 - 24% of MET calls are for tachycardia
Commonly stable AF with rapid ventricular response (rapid AF)
This section aims to:
Assist in identification of both common and life-threatening causes of inpatient tachycardias
Guide initial and emergency management of tachydysrhythmias
Outline appropriate escalation to critical care services
Key Points:
You can ALWAYS call for advice if you are unsure, worried or have reached the limit of your practice
Many non-cardiac causes exist, which are non-life-threatening and easily treatable
For example, pain, fever, anxiety, smoking
Always check for these causes and treat appropriately BUT you must always consider and rule out more significant causes
Assessment of patient and ECG are ESSENTIAL for the diagnosis of any likely cause
If adverse features exist and you are trained in ALS, call a code blue, apply pads, prepare sedation and prepared for a SYNCHRONISED DC shock
If adverse features exist and you are NOT trained in ALS, call a code blue and apply pads whilst waiting for support to arrive
Quick Tachyarrhythmia Diagnosis
Narrow complex vs broad complex (QRS > 120 msec/3 small sqares)
Regular vs Irregular

Life-threatening causes that must be immediately ruled out:
Acute coronary syndrome
Cardiac tamponade
Haemorrhage/Severe hypovolaemia
Other common causes
Paroxysmal AF with rapid ventricular response
Electrolyte disturbance
Mild hypovolaemia
1. ABCDE assessment
If shocked, consider whether dysrhythmia is cause of shock or secondary to underlying shock state
2. Identify adverse features that necessitate URGENT DC cardioversion
Profound hypotension
Myocardial ischaemia - eg. acute severe chest pain, dyspnoea
New, acute heart failure - eg. acute pulmonary oedema
3. Summon help
MET call
Code blue if any adverse features (see below) or peri-arrest/arrest
Don't forget you can call ICU reg/ICU liaison nurse for back-up at any time
4. Brief pertinent history
Can occur simultaneously with 5.
5. Gain IV access
2x large bore IV in the unstable patient
6. Bloods
Coags (If bleeding or coagulopathy suspected)
Consider cardiac enzymes
7. Imaging
Identify either causes or effects
For example, CXR, CT abdomen, CTPA, etc.

Follow tachycardia algorithm above
If broad-complex tachycardia without adverse features necessitating immediate DCR:
Amiodarone 300mg IV over 20 minutes
Ensure you notify more senior medical support prior to administration
DCR without the presence of syncope requires sedation prior to cardioversion
Fentanyl 25 - 50 micrograms PLUS midazolam 1 - 2 mg (depending on patient stability)
Ask nursing staff to draw up drugs whilst waiting for support to arrive
Commence oxygen administration via hudson mask
Identify and treat any underlying causes
For example, antibiotics, facilitate transfer to cath lab, therapeutic anticoagulation, etc.
Stable Tachycardia
Correct electrolytes
Target K+ > 4.0
Target Mg > 1.0
Optimise volume state
Address pain
Address fever
Identify and treat any underlying causes
For example, antibiotics, therapeutic anticoagulation, aspirin, etc.
Most common stable tachycardia
Stable, Rate < 130
Investigate and treat any underlying aetiology
Optimise electrolytes
Metoprolol 12.5 - 25 mg orally if no contraindications
Alter MET criteria and review in 1 hour
Can give further 12.5 - 25mg if HR remains > 110 and BP > 100 systolic
Repeat until 75mg administered
Rate > 130 or failed beta-blocker therapy
Optimise electrolytes
Digoxin 750 - 1000 microgram loading dose IV
Given as 500 microgram dose, following by 250 mcg 6 hours later
Further 250 mcg may be administered 6 hours subsequently
Practical Tips
Effective communication is vital
Most patients can be managed safely on the ward with altered vital sign criteria and more frequent review
Ensure you communicate to the entire care team that the heart rate may remain high, and that repeated review and intervention may be required
Ensure you instruct the increased frequency of observation required and the new criteria that should warrant escalation
Altering MET criteria without a review plan and without either thorough investigation or a sense of underlying cause of tachycardia is NEVER appropriate!
Author: Fabien Dade, Peer Reviewer: Irma Bilgrami Date: 02/04/20