Ventilator Emergencies
Acute Desaturation
DO NOT RUSH - Ensure PPE is donned correctly!
D for Danger comes before ABC
Optimise oxygenation
Boost FiO2 to 100%
Confirm tube placement and patency
Assess for chest rise and fall
Check capnograph trace
Confirms correct tube placement
Check tube position
Has it moved?
Suction endotracheal tube
Confirms ETT patency
May clear sputum/secretion obstruction
Exclude ventilator cause
Check tidal volumes
Volume control mode:
Ensure tidal volume delivered matches pre-set tidal volume
Inadequate delivery suggests leak or pressure limiting
Ventilator will cease breath delivery if it reaches a pressure limit
Check pressure limit (is it set too low? Should be > 35 cmH2O)
If pressure limiting; switch to HIGH PEAK PRESSURE ALGORITHM
Pressure control mode:
Assess delivered tidal volumes
Worsening lung compliance or airway resistance will result in fall in tidal volume for a given pre-set pressure
If in doubt about ventilator functioning, disconnect and manually bag patient
Ensure 100% oxygen supply and PEEP valve attached
Assess Patient:
Auscultate for air entry bilaterally, added sounds, focal changes
Send ABG to confirm non-invasive oxygen saturation
Observe capnograph trace
Waveform trace may suggest aetiology; Eg. airway obstruction, spontaneous breathing, etc.
Urgent CXR
Pulmonary oedema, Pneumothorax, focal collapse/consolidation, ETT position
Bedside lung ultrasound may also rapidly identify certain pathology
Call for help early!
Other Management options to consider:
Increase sedation/paralysis
Ventilator dysynchrony
Patient biting on ETT
Improve chest wall compliance
Reduce total metabolic requirements
Insertion of bite block
Patient will oxygenate better with good lung down (if unilateral pathology)
Due to increased perfusion (due to gravity) of lower lung leading to improved V/Q matching
Increase mean airway pressure
Increase PEEP
Increase inspiratory time
Treatment of underlying cause
Bronchodilators, steroids
Intercostal catheter insertion
Advanced management options
High Peak Airway Pressures (> 35 cmH2O)
DO NOT RUSH - Ensure PPE is donned correctly!
D for Danger comes before ABC
Call for help early!
Optimise oxygenation
Boost FiO2 to 100%
Confirm tube placement and patency
Check capnograph trace (if utilised) - confirms correct tube placement
Check tube position
Has ETT migrated further in?
Suction endotracheal tube
Confirms ETT patency
May clear sputum/secretion obstruction
Reduce tidal volume to minimum (4 - 8 ml/kg IBW)
Increase Sedation and consider paralysis
Bolus sedation (eg. 20mg propofol, 1-3x)
Paralysis: rocuronium or vecuronium or cisatracurium
Requires deep sedation
Perform plateau pressure measurement
Airway pressure following > 1 second inspiratory hold manouvre
Represents alveolar pressure during no-flow state rather than pressure generated by flow against bronchiole airway resistance
Plateau Pressure > 30 cmH2O (or unable to complete inspiratory hold)
If concurrent significant haemodynamic instability; immediately disconnect patient from ventilator
In that case, place ventilator in standby mode for 30 seconds
Alternatively, reduce respiratory rate to 6 breaths per minute
Prolong Expiration - Reduce respiratory rate / prolong I:E ratio (> 1:3)
Elevated pressure may be due to breath stacking/dynamic hyperinflation
Occurs where inspiration begins before patient has fully eliminated breath (expiration is a passive process)
Gas accumulates within lungs
May occur if expiratory time too short (eg. Inappropriately high respiratory rate set, tachypnoea) or in airways obstruction
Give bronchodilators for bronchospasm
Reduce tidal volumes
In a patient with significantly reduced lung compliance (eg. ARDS), low tidal volumes may be tolerated, assuming adequate oxygenation can be achieved
Investigate and treat other causes:
CXR and/or lung US (if competent)
Endobronchial intubation
Usually R main bronchus
Lobar collapse
Plateau Pressure < 30 cmH2O
Check for circuit obstruction
Check for tube-biting or patient-ventilator dysynchrony
Treat with sedation boluses and/or increase sedation rate
Eg. 20mg propofol bolus, may be repeated up to 3 times
Assess for evidence of bronchospasm
Wheeze, saw-tooth capnograph trace
Treat with bronchodilators +/- corticosteroids
Reduce respiratory rate
Especially if any evidence of inadequate expiratory time/development of dynamic hyperinflation
In bronchospastic patients, high peak airway pressures may be tolerated if plateau pressures remain < 30 cmH2O
Requires frequent monitoring of plateau pressures
High pressures should only be tolerated if DISCUSSED WITH ICU CONSULTANT!
Low Minute Volume
DO NOT RUSH - Ensure PPE is donned correctly!
D for Danger comes before ABC
If associated with acute desaturation:
Follow acute desaturation algorithm
If mandatory ventilation:
In volume control mode, high peak airway pressures may cause ventilator to pressure limit and dump the breath
Follow the high peak airway pressure algorithm
In pressure control mode, falling respiratory system compliance will result in a falling tidal volume for a given pressure delivered
Increase pressure control (within appropriate limits - ie. total pressure < 30 cmH2O)
Discuss early with ICU registrar/consultant
If spontaneously ventilating
Check tidal volumes
If low, may require increased pressure support (pressure above PEEP that assists during inspiration)
Check respiratory rate
If bradypnoeic, switch to SIMV (mandatoy mode) and assess sedation requirements
May require more sedation to tolerate mandatory mode
May require less sedation to improve spontaneous ventilation
Circuit Disconnect
DO NOT RUSH - Ensure PPE is donned correctly!
D for Danger comes before ABC
In suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients, N-95 masks AND eye protection are required since mechanical ventilation is an aerosolising mechanism
Replace connection if easily identifiable
In COVID 19 patients, if disconnection not easily identifiable; whilst assessing for circuit disconnect:
Clamp endotracheal tube
Place ventilator in standby mode
Before recommencing ventilation, check circuit from patient to ventilator to ensure nil disconnections
High Minute Volume / High Respiratory Rate
DO NOT RUSH - Ensure PPE is donned correctly!
D for Danger comes before ABC
Obtain ABG
Metabolic or Respiratory Acidosis
Elevated minute ventilation is an appropriate physiologically response to acidosis
Confirm ventilatory plan with ICU registrar/consultant
Spontaneous tachypnoea is usually undesirable in a mechanically ventilated patient
Consider increasing mandatory respiratory rate in patients with large tidal volumes
Metabolic or Respiratory Alkalosis
Elevated minute ventilation is inappropriate in this setting
Consider aetiology:
Brain injury / neurological impairment
Respiratory pathology
Mixed acid-base disorder
These patients likely require increased sedation +/- paralysis
Author: Dr. Ryan Slack, Peer Reviewer: Dr. James Douglas / Dr Irma Bilgrami Date: 06/04/20